What Is It?

Regions are a common data structure in 2-D graphics systems. They let you easily describe non-rectangular sections of the screen by combining rectangles together — if you've ever said, "I need a way to describe this area and this area, but without that area," you're describing a region!

This library implements full 2-D regions in JavaScript. You can create regions by unioning rectangles together, and you can subtract and intersect other rectangles and regions to make more complex regions. You can convert the resulting region to a set of nonoverlapping rectangles (for example, to create <div> elements that describe the region), and you can test the region to find out when other regions or a point (like the mouse!) intersect it.

This library is designed to be very efficient, and it can handle many complicated operations quickly — fast enough for animation! Scroll down and play with the live demo to see just how fast and flexible this library really is.



NodeJS and NPM

In NodeJS or a CommonJS environment, install the region2d package, and then use import or require.


npm install --save region2d


Vanilla JavaScript for the Browser

  1. Download a copy of region2d.js or region2d.min.js. This plain-JavaScript bundle includes both Region types.
    The minified bundle is 13 KB uncompressed, and is only about 4 KB gzipped.

  2. Include <script src="region2d.js"></script> or <script src="region2d.min.js"></script> in your page.
    This will introduce three new global types, Region1D, Region2D, and RegionError.

Alternatively, you can use a copy hosted on the unpkg content-delivery network (CDN):

Live Demo

Try it! In the sandbox below, you can drag or resize any of the rectangles you see. On the right, you can create new rectangles or delete existing rectangles to see how they are turned into regions.

By the way, the demo above does not use <canvas> — Region2D calculates fast enough that those rectangles — and the "interior" and "exterior" decompositions — are able to all be real <div> elements!


Creating Regions

Region2D is designed to be very easy to use and very flexible. Here's a simple demonstration of creating a region from a rectangle:

import Region2D from 'region2d';

var myRegion = new Region2D({ x:5, y:10, width:10, height:20 });

There are several ways to construct a Region2D from a rectangle:

Other Ways to Create Regions

Combining Regions

Once you have created a few Region2D objects, you can combine them together using standard constructive-solid-geometry operations:

var myRegion = new Region2D({ x:5, y:10, width:10, height:20 });
var yourRegion = new Region2D({ x:10, y:5, width:20, height:10 });
var theirRegion = new Region2D([ 15, 15, 20, 20 ]);

var ourRegion = myRegion.union(yourRegion);

var remainingRegion = ourRegion.subtract(theirRegion);

Many common CSG primitives are supported, including .union(), .intersect(), .subtract(), and .xor() (exclusive-or). In addition, you can also use the .not() method to obtain the complement of a region. The Region2D library fully supports infinite regions, so logical-not works the way you think it should!

Transforming Regions

There are methods you can use to directly alter the size and position of a region:

There's no explicit .clip() method: If you need to "clip" a region to a rectangle, you can simply .intersect() it with another region created from that rectangle.

Testing Regions

There are lots of tests you can perform against regions to determine things about them, including:

Data Extraction

While it's useful to be able to create regions from rectangles, there are also lots of ways to get rectangle data back out of the regions too:


Copyright © 2017 by Sean Werkema.

This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 Open-Source License, which basically means:

Questions, Comments, and Bugs

Questions? Comments? Found a bug? Want a feature? Please use the issue tracker for Region2D on GitHub.